Saturday, March 31, 2007

Marketing your Website with Google Adwords

Why would you choose Google for marketing your website, unless for good reasons? Not only is using Google a good reason, but it’s an excellent one. Google generates more than a third of the searches all the search engines combined make. It also has a say in the results listed on AOL and Netscape and others thus increasing your websites exposure from the Google ad network. Google helps you market your website better through its AdWords. Even if you are already listed on Google and appear on its search results, you can reach new audiences through AdWords. Google ad network is also accessible in languages like German, Italian and Spanish. One other advantage is that you can edit your ad and regulate your spending on AdWords till you are satisfied with the results. And the best thing is you have to pay only when someone clicks your ad. You pay nothing for placing an ad on the Google network.

Choosing your keywords
People search for websites using certain keywords relevant to what they are looking for. The better the choice of these keywords, the better the success of their search. For marketing your website on Google, you similarly have to use the right and the most appropriate keywords that best describe your website content. Your ad with these keywords appears on Google beside the relevant search results people get to see. For this, of course, you need to sign up on Google AdWords. When people click your ad, they get to know about you and your products and services. They could then make a purchase from you.

The importance of choosing the best keywords possible for placing your ad on Google cannot be over emphasized. Search engines recognize the content of your website and its pages through the keywords used. It is not just imperative for you to fill your web pages with quality content rich in these keywords, but it is also essential to help search engine optimization by distributing your targeted keywords across the content in a most appropriate way. Remember it is not the abundance of keywords but their right positioning that prompts the search engines to land on your desired page. Proper placement of the targeted keywords, called the keyword density, in each of your web pages helps in obtaining a higher Search Engine page rank than otherwise. Obviously, the higher the page rank you achieve, the lighter the competition will be in getting the search engine land to help visitors land on your page, resulting in increasing number of visitors and sales.

Since the success of drawing your targeted customers to the sales counter on your web page depends so much on the keywords used, you may naturally seek outside help in choosing them, particularly when you find it rather difficult to make choices of your own. Apart from the umpteen sources of ready help for a fee, you can also make use of the keyword tool that is available. The tool generates several keywords for your ad campaign. You can go through the Google statistics and decide which of the keywords have the potential for making your ad succeed. It cannot ever be guaranteed that your chosen keywords will work, except by repeated trial and editing. And with Google AdWords, you always have the opportunity to edit your keywords and ads.

TJ Klock is an Internet Marketer in Internet Home Based Businesses As well As an Authority on Developing Home Based Internet Businesses Part Time. To find the best home based business tips, and work at home ideas and opportunities Visit:

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