Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Value of Good Website Content

What is the ultimate purpose of your website content,? Winning over your visitors so that they become your customers, right? Imagine you have some property, a house, for instance, in some prime location and imagine you want to sell it. Will it be difficult to find buyers? As the location of your property determines the ease with which you can sell it, your website content quality dictates your business prospects.

Short, simple and to the point

In order to achieve this, your content should be clothed in a simple, direct and unambiguous language. Brevity is the soul of your content, as long-winding and complex sentences and paragraphs work best only to kill whatever little interest initially generated by your web title. Too much of obsession with keywords, and keyword density, in most cases, destroys the natural way in which the message of your content is delivered to your prospective customer. Repeated and frequent revision of your website content, to reassure yourself that there are no inaccuracies or ambiguities in its presentation is a must.

Keyword optimization

Optimizing your text with keywords while taking care that their repetition does not divert the reader from your main message, ‘Make a purchase here.’ Creativity is the key to manage keyword density. About three to five per cent will be the optimum keyword, density level and most experienced experts would agree. Hire expert copywriters, if necessary. In particular, when you think you are not up to creating text that delivers the knock-out punch, rather than design your website all by yourself with some ineffective text, it is better you invest in getting professional help. Never ever underestimate the value you get from quality content in your website. It may virtually make or break your business. So some expense here is perfectly justified. You will not regret it - especially when you see your dividends.

Good website content,, therefore, is generally loaded, even over-loaded, with good text. Not that there is no place for images. But since search engines do not scan images independent of the text, it is essential to include some of the same keywords, that form part of the text in the description of the chosen images on your home page. What is important is optimizing your image selection by synchronizing it with text selection in such a way as to commit the interested visitors to serve your basic purpose.

Search engine optimization

The best possible value of good website content, is what you get through adopting strategies that ensure search engine optimization. You can get a higher page rank and consequently better business in proportion to the superiority of your website content, not just in your home page, although that is important, but in each and every one of all your web pages as well. You can perhaps establish reciprocal links to your web pages with those that are relevant to your business, but use discretion when doing so to ensure that the links are relevant and permanent. If you can get your inbound good quality links increase in number, your page rank will definitely soar. Your business will then earn you profits.

And that is a result of the good quality of your website content,.

TJ Klock is an Internet Marketer in Internet Home Based Businesses As well As an Authority on Developing Home Based Internet Businesses Part Time. To find the best home based business tips, and work at home ideas and opportunities Visit:

Marketing Tools for the Small Business

One of the essential small business marketing tools, lies in a marketing plan, although most small business owners do not relish planning. They would rather spend their time in trying to bring in a few more customers by doing much simpler things than planning big. In any case, most of them do not think that drawing up a plan for their small business will be of any use. The plan need not be elaborate, however. It involves taking just a few simple steps. Proactive small business,owners focus on understanding what their customers need most by interacting with them and then they gear themselves to fulfill such needs. They notice changes in the market trends and recreate their marketing, materials as well as website content periodically. They put emphasis on the core areas of their business that bring the most benefits. A lot many customers come in to buy when they know that they get the best value for their money. small business marketing is also about establishing individual contacts with your prospects as well as existing customers.

Email marketing

This can best be done through email, which has now become a very important means of promoting the small business. Emails reach the target audience directly. small business, owners and their customers or prospective customers get to establish an informal and continuous relationship, which will be good for their business in the long run. Being inexpensive and fast, emails are a good tool for promoting their business, especially because they have a wide spread and can reach, at once, a large number of buyers looking for products or services offered online. Best of all, emails can be used to encourage customers to give feedback, for improving sales as well as for modifying email marketing strategies.

Other inexpensive marketing tools,

Owners of small businesses, in general, can’t afford to invest in pricey advertisements in the media. Consequently, they are always on the look out for ad opportunities that cost next to nothing. No doubt, emails offer such an opportunity. blogs, can also be used similarly, provided they reach those people that evince some interest in the goods or services of the small business concerned. A well-written press release is another tool that can profitably be exploited without expense.

If advertisements are all about catching people’s attention to promote business, you can get it by spreading information that highlights the line of your small business,by word of mouth. People are ready to listen to you if you talk about how the various aspects of their life will change for the better when they choose to become your customers. What you say, of course, must be convincing and interesting. Power point presentation of your projects and products to small manageable groups will serve your purpose, although to a limited extent. Ads using Google AdWords do not need any initial investment, but if they work for you, you will be able to afford the overall expense of the effort, particularly since you are allowed to wait to pay till you receive successful results.

Strategies to promote the small business, may not be totally different from those that work for the big business, except that there will be a shift in the emphasis.

TJ Klock is an Internet Marketer in Internet Home Based Businesses As well As an Authority on Developing Home Based Internet Businesses Part Time. To find the best home based business tips, and work at home ideas and opportunities Visit:

No Budget? No Problem: How to Market Your Business on a Shoestring

All of us in the business world understand the importance of marketing,. It is a strategy to get your product or service known to a target market. It is done in an effort to increase sales and generate revenue. However, many small businesses get caught in a catch 22. They don’t have money to advertise and market their business, so they aren’t able to generate more sales and revenue. Since they aren’t able to increase revenue, they continue not to have money to invest in marketing strategies. Yet consumers can’t purchase products they don’t know about.

Don’t let the myth that big budget marketing, strategies are going to generate more business. The focus should be on the quality of the advertising rather than the cost of it. While having a limited budget for marketing, can be intimidating, you can still make it work for your business if you have a plan.

Creative marketing

There are creative ways to market your business, on a very tight budget. Setting up a website is relatively easy and fast to complete. This is a great place to start advertising your business with very little investment. Create an electronic newsletter to share information with former, current, and potential customers. Create a blog, and write on it daily. You should write articles about your business, and post them online in article directories. Make sure to include links back to your own website. The number of people this sort of advertising on the internet can reach is phenomenal.

Keep in touch with email

Make sure you have an email account set up for those who want more information on your product, or have particular questions. This email needs to be checked several times daily. Potential customers may lose interest in your product if they don’t get a prompt reply to their email.

The power of word of mouth advertising

Word of mouth is also a great marketing , method. While it doesn’t reach as many people as quickly as other advertising, methods, it costs you absolutely nothing. Low budgeting for marketing doesn’t have to mean low impact if you are able to reach the target market.

If possible, consider taking out marketing in trade. It might be possible for you to get a reputable marketing, company to represent your business. In return, you will provide that marketing, company with goods or services from your business. No money will be exchanged.


Another great idea is to network as much as possible. business, cards are a very inexpensive way of marketing, your business. Attend trade shows and conferences where individuals who are in the market for your product will attend. It might also be a good idea to look into setting up booths as these trade shows to further promote your business.

Take whatever funding you possibly can and put it into fast marketing, prospects that will generate some customers for your business. These strategies include a radio ad, a unique brochure, or a business newsletter. Since the average consumer needs to hear and ad seven times before they make a decision to make a purchase. Using multiple marketing avenues will also help you to reach more people.

TJ Klock is an Internet Marketer in Internet Home Based Businesses As well As an Authority on Developing Home Based Internet Businesses Part Time. To find the best home based business tips, and work at home ideas and opportunities Visit:

How Giving Away Free Articles Attracts More Business

Think back to the history books to the days when tea was not an everyday drink. In those days, an unknown tea company would employ several young men to pay house visits and to pour out from their cans fresh and hot tea, encouraging everyone to taste the drink. Not long after, it sent them to supply tea every afternoon. Free. Like many others, I remember all the members in our household used to look forward, very eagerly, to the afternoon supply. Later, of course the tea company would ask the people to pay a small price for a measure of tea. The next step was for the company to send its employees to teach people how to make tea by themselves. The added advantage here was the prospect of making tea at home any time they had an appetite for a cup of tea. Obviously, for this they had to buy the company-branded tea powder packed in small packets, readily available for sale. What started as something people got for free soon became a money maker for the company. By means of developing a taste for tea among the people, the company developed its business.

The principle behind freebies

The principle involved is quite simple actually. In order to attract more business,, a company must first attract the crowds to its doorsteps. And the best way to do so is to tempt them to take what you offer for free,. Most people have a little enough greed to grab something for nothing. Curiosity will make them, when they come to your doorsteps to collect the freebies, go beyond. Some of them may take a look around, a few of them may choose something and a very small number among them, finally, may make a purchase. The larger the crowds that get attracted to your giveaways, the taller the sales graph.

Attractive packaging and display of your products, in your shop window will draw your potential customers into your shop. The discounts, the rebates and the campaigns like ‘buy one, get one free’ turn visitors into potential customers, potential customers into customers and encourage existing customers to remain loyal.

Through promotional articles, you can advertise your business,. You can imprint on them your business, particulars: name, brand or logo, address etc. These free articles work as your ad ambassadors. They go places. And they take your business along for growth and expansion. A whole sponsorship industry has sprung up on this premise. Sponsors pay prominent sportspersons and movie or TV stars and other public figures to display their branded articles around with the sole aim of converting spectators into customers. If you know there are innumerable fans that rush to acquire whatever articles their heroes use or display, you will see the point in sponsorship promotion. Sponsors spend millions for free, only to get back billions.

Making articles work for you

The secret to making your free articles work for you is to submit them to as many free article directories as you can manage and to include a link back to your website. This allows the visitor to the article website become a potential customer when he or she clicks on the link you provide. They will be able to explore your business more in depth and know what your business specialized in. As an added benefit, once you add your free content to a few sites, it will gradually be picked up by other free directories, thus increasing your exposure as well as the number of links back to your site.

Whatever be your strategy, there is always a scope for bettering your business income by giving away informative articles on the house.

TJ Klock is an Internet Marketer in Internet Home Based Businesses As well As an Authority on Developing Home Based Internet Businesses Part Time. To find the best home based business tips, and work at home ideas and opportunities Visit:

Creating a Newsletter Online

Creating a newsletter online is a great way to reach your current customers as well as target the market out there that can potential be customers. This provides you will a very low cost way of reaching and communicating with consumers. You can advertise your online newsletter by submitting each issue to the major search engines. This should generate interest, leading many new consumers to your newsletters.

Individuals get busy, so be sure you send email alerts to readers reminding them when a new issue is available for viewing. This will require proper maintenance of a database with subscribers email addresses. You can easily compile the data by having a message on your online newsletter informing consumers that the option to be notified of future issues is available. Then they simply complete their information and submit it. It is very easy to set up a template you use for your online newsletter.

Catch your customer’s eye

It is important to add some flare to your online newsletter in an effort to get the consumer to read it. In today’s world of frequent junk email, your online newsletter could easily be mistaken for just that. Adding some graphics and color can make your newsletter appealing. Use a two column layout. This look is organized and appealing. It also varies from the standard that stretches from one end of the screen to the other.

To make your online newsletter even more user friendly, space out the articles, with headings similar to those in our newspaper articles. This will help the consumer scan over the headings and determine in there is information in the articles that they might be interested in reading further.

Take the time to view your newsletter in several different browsers before posting. This is because the layout can change for various browsers. You want to be prepared for this and make adjustments accordingly. Most online users prefer to use Microsoft Explorer, Netscape Navigator or Modzilla Firefox. Therefore, it is very important that you check at least these three main browsers for layout issues.

Create online archives

It is a great idea to archive your previous issues of the online newsletter. This way, as new consumers become interested in reading the newsletter, they can access previous ones. It is also a great resource for faithful readers who remember seeing an article on something, and now they want to go back and read it again.

Keep track of your readers

Installing a tracking system for your online newsletter is a valuable tool. This will give you information regarding the number of people reading it. Most tracking systems also inform you how much time a reader spends looking at the online newsletter. Such statistics can help you find out what is working and what needs to be improved in regard to your online newsletter.

Online newsletters provide consumers with valuable information. They also keep your product or service fresh in their mind. It is important to set up the newsletter so that it is not only informative, but easy to read and draws the consumer in because of the layout. Offering access to archives gives consumers a great research tool. Tracking the access to the online newsletter can help you make future decisions on how to promote it.

TJ Klock is an Internet Marketer in Internet Home Based Businesses As well As an Authority on Developing Home Based Internet Businesses Part Time. To find the best home based business tips, and work at home ideas and opportunities Visit:

Are Reciprocal Links Worth the Effort?

As with almost any question, the answer is both yes and no. However, before be begin the debate, it is helpful to understand clearly what is meant by reciprocal links. Put simply, when two people have their own websites, and they mutually agree to place links on each other’s websites, on a reciprocal basis, so as to direct the search engines and, consequently, traffic from one to the other, we say we have reciprocal links. In practice, however, the exercise is not all that simple. A lot of effort and time and sometimes money may have to be spent.

When the Internet was young in promoting web-based businesses, establishing reciprocal links between websites with related business interests was quite common and profitable. Over time, two things changed the scenario for reciprocal links. The advent of Google as a search engine with its novel concept of ranking web pages was a major development that affected reciprocal links in the long run. The more the number of one-way inbound links to your website page, the better the page ranking by the search engine. In pursuit of better ranked pages, people started offering outbound links to other websites in order to attract inbound links by way of reciprocity, and this without rhyme or reason. The other thing that happened was that a lot of unscrupulous webmasters and evil-minded people started taking undue advantage of the rush for reciprocal links with the aim of improving the ranking of their pages and making a quick buck. Some of them used devious techniques to make your reciprocal link appear to be an outbound one to the search engine, depriving you of your advantage of getting back a link to your page. A situation arose in which search engines started downgrading the pages that demonstrated artificial or unnatural linking patterns.

Will increasing the number of reciprocal links help improve the ranking of your website pages, in this background? On the contrary, search engines tend to penalize websites with too many page-links to unrelated sites because the search engines don’t hold any value in such links. Your search engine page rank will take a nose dive.

But our title question is not fully answered yet. If you qualify the type of reciprocal links by dedicating a small number of such links to websites that have relevance, in that they augment one another’s traffic, then reciprocal links become worthy of the effort involved in designing proper web pages with enhanced focus on the exact purpose of your website. Do not indulge in having outbound links to questionable sites. Do not deal with any automated network-links that are not subject to any editor-discretion. Reject linking services that offer you either incentives or guarantees to provide an unlimited or large number of reciprocal links to sites to which you have no reason to get connected. Avoid such other pitfalls and your effort in having reciprocal links will surely pay dividends.

Search engines and webmasters will not object to links that end up in effecting end-user benefits making them entirely worth the effort – if you’re willing to spend it.

TJ Klock is an Internet Marketer in Internet Home Based Businesses As well As an Authority on Developing Home Based Internet Businesses Part Time. To find the best home based business tips, and work at home ideas and opportunities Visit: