Saturday, March 10, 2007

What Is a Blogging Tory?

The term Blogging Tory refers to any one of the manyauthors affiliated with the conservative Canadiancommunity known as The Blogging Tories. Today,there are over a hundred and fifty text-based blogsassociated with the group, and there are new BloggingTories every day. The Tories stand as an inspiringexample of a successful online community where theever-increasing numbers of affiliated members enjoy afertile environment for discussion and debate about theideas that shape the face of Canada.
The majority of Tory bloggers do make political eventsand topics the focus of their blogs, but not all of thecontent that a Blogging Tory creates and publishes isovertly related to the movements of the Canadianparliament or the prime minister. Although thecommunity members were brought together by a sharedconservative viewpoint, the fact that not all of thepostings on all of the member's blogs focus on politicaltopics is one of the most exciting things about theBlogging Tories. On any given day, the main website'sblogroll may feature postings about Olympic medalists,a James Bond film festival in Quebec, or a comicalpersonal experience with a telemarketer. The idea thathaving a political affiliation in common makes itpossible to have a fruitful discussion about other kindsof topics has interesting implications for how onlinecommunities are established and how they grow.

TJ Klock is an Internet Marketer in Internet Home Based Businesses As well As an Authority on Developing Home Based Internet Businesses Part Time. To find the best Blogging Ideas, and work at home ideas and opportunities Visit:

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