Friday, March 16, 2007

The Definition of Blogging

The definition of blogging is something that is verymuch in flux, as the new technologies that appear everyday redefine what a blog is, what a blog can be, andwhat a blog should do. For many years, blogs weredefined as text-based websites that kept records of days,similar to a captain's log on a sailing ship. However,this started to change as the group of people who keptblogs became more diverse. The more bloggers beganto explore the limits of the medium and of thetechnology that made it possible, the more theboundaries of what could be called a "blog" expanded. Today, there are an abundance of photo blogs, and thereare even video blogs as well. Mobile blogging devicesmay well change the definition of blogging entirely bymaking it possible for bloggers to create new kinds ofposts. Another element of the blogosphere that isstarting to redefine blogging is the corporate blog. Asmore companies hire writers to keep blogs with the solepurpose of creating positive buzz about their brand,bloggers across the globe are arguing about whetherthese manufactured blogs are really worthy of the name.Between all of these different forces that are constantlyexpanding and reshaping the blogosphere, it is difficultto imagine that the definition of what is and is not ablog will ever remain fixed for very long.

TJ Klock is an Internet Marketer in Internet Home Based Businesses As well As an Authority on Developing Home Based Internet Businesses Part Time. To find the best Blogging Ideas, and work at home ideas and opportunities Visit:

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