Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Controversy Around Corporate Blogging

Corporate blogging is a relatively new idea, and the juryis still out on whether it will succeed. This controversialmarketing tool may be the beginning of a new kind ofadvertising strategy, or it may fizzle out in a matter ofmonths. Many companies are looking for ways tocapitalize on the blogging trend, and many of thesecorporations have determined that a great way to ridethe blogging wave is to keep a blog on their corporatewebsite. These blogs are often created to appeal to thedemographic that the company needs to court, and thecontent may have quite a lot to do with the activities ofthe corporation, or it may have very little to do with thecompany itself. Often, a corporate blog will focus onthe kinds of content likely to attract the desired surfers,even if that content is not related to the product orservice that the company provides.
Some bloggers feel that corporate blogging is a kind ofvalidation for the blogging movement, and shows thatthis exciting new medium has really infiltrated themainstream. Other bloggers consider the kind of viralmarketing that corporate blogs practice to be unethicalor distasteful. In any case, watching the evolution ofcorporate blogs and whether they survive andproliferate or fail and disappear promises to providesome interesting insight into today's consumers.

TJ Klock is an Internet Marketer in Internet Home Based Businesses As well As an Authority on Developing Home Based Internet Businesses Part Time. To find the best Blogging Ideas, and work at home ideas and opportunities Visit:

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